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Kundalini Masterclass - Utilization - Level II
Instructor Bio
Course Structure
Student Support
Student Introductions
Daily Life and Kundalini
Level II Course Introduction - Secrets of Kundalini Energy (2:15)
Class 1: Staying Connected to Your Soul - Tools for Badass Spiritual Warriors (7:31)
Class 2: Kundalini and the Workplace (11:41)
Inner World Practices
Class 3: The Mystical Door of Kundalini (9:41)
Class 4: Healing Modalities and Kundalini
Class 5 : Creativity (14:54)
Class 6: What we can learn from the Ninja
Class 7: Research on Kundalini
Bonus Class: Hidden Knowledge of the Masters of Hypnosis
Class 4: Healing Modalities and Kundalini
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